Saturday, May 2, 2015

#LoveMe Challenge Day 11

Day 11: Share A Smile

Really Dude?
Have you ever seen someone, like this guy, smiling and thought, "Really?"
Who just walks around with a S*&% eating grin on there face all day. You cannot possibly be that happy, your a big phony!

My usual thought when I see someone smiling for no apparent reason...
Al-anon has taught me I am comparing my insides to someone else's outsides. That our perceptions creates our reality. I have spent decades with an unhealthy negative perception that had been handed down through the generations. A negativity that says if your happy you must be hiding something. If your smiling you are clearly not in touch with reality. If your joyous, I'll give you a dose of medicine that will wipe that smile right off your face. Smiles are for holiday photos and secret shared moments.

Al-anon says change your perspective
So Day 11… Change my perspective. Try a smile. Not the phony, vacation/holiday picture kind of smile. The real, smile with your eyes kinda smile. The kind you smile as a child when you don't know any different. The kind of smile that is infectious. 

You said it Annie
Today is actually a good day for this challenge. I woke in a silly mood. I was smiling before my eyes were fully open, and I'm still not out of my PJ's yet. 

Not this kinda smile
Yep that's me, but from one of my phony vacation pictures

"They" say I smile with my eyes
 So the trick is to smile with authenticity. The kind of smile where my eyes light up. I'm gonna carry it to the grocery store, the drug store, the usual mundane rigmarole, let's see if I can remain in me without comparing my self to others. Thanks for being my first smile of the day.

Take what you like and leave the rest.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! The poem on smile is beautiful ❤️ Did you write it?
